Dear Teacher!
Hello teacher I am
Chaymae and now i would like to give my opinion on the video The
Power of Passion and Perseverance.
Many people think
that to reach a desired goal is very difficult.
According to this
video, to reach the final goal, the main characteristic is the
bravery, ie with esfroç, motivation and fortress without fear fracaç
you can reach the objective that you prefer.
This video in one
band I found very interesting because I think this girl having lived
so many experiences in life, is absolutely right because I believe
that the bravery is the fundamental principle to reach something.
But on the other
hand I think that not only with the bravely you get the objective,
also in many countries the economic situatuin and according to the
freedom of the country, tench many doors regard to studies. Even
though a person is brave, if no rights, can not do anything.
For example, in some
countries women do not have the right to study or must have lots of
money to be able to do it.