dijous, 18 de maig del 2017

human rights

Human rights violation “The inhalation of chemicalweapons

The 18th May of 2017

Actually the chemical weapon in Syria is very strong discussed because the chemical attacs are against human rightsand atr a war crimeFurthermore a lot of people die and a lotof children inhalate the giftIt is the inhalation of death in Aleppo. I think that this is very unfair and that the people in Syria live in a dystopian world where the life is very hard andextremlyFurthermore the civilization  fights against  regimewithout weapons and the chemical attacs are unfair. It doesn’tdestroy only the people it destroys our nature and our air thatwe breathe in. No matter if people are in war or in freedom itis not allowed to do something that are agaist the human rights. Human rights  guarantee us the dignity. I think that we have to share the situation of the people in Syria in social networks like Facebook to show  people around the world how bad the the civil war in Syria is and that we have to do something and not to ignore it.  We can create for example some pages in Facebook where we share the current situation. Another option is that we  try to connect some Syrian friends in our social media network and ask them individually how the situation is.Moreover the Unied Nation has a lot of aid organizations which are based directly in the parts where the civil war is. As a conclusion I can say that all over the world there are human rights violations like in Turkey or in Africa.We as people from the industralized country has to help other countries, because human rights violations have negative follow to the whole world.

Chaymae Salama

Germany as my favorite country

Germany as my favorite country

Now i  am going to speak about a country that I really like. Germany is for me one of the most beautiful country in Europe  and I visit Germany ever year in winter  to visit myfamily which were  born in Germany. Together we travell toMunich,Colonia and Frankfurt to see the sightseeings. Germany is a multiculutural nation and has a big developmentcompared to the past.Furthermore Germany is a very goodexample for a parliamentary systemThey have a   Legislative,judicial and executive so that the people are included in the system.  Furthermore the Chancellor is  Angela Merkel and she is a  woman, and this is a sign for me that women could be independent from a man.  If someone go to Germany he can decide where he wants to go like to the commercial city Frankfurt or to the traditional and culturell city  Berlin where the Berliner wall was based in past. In Germany all people can speak very well english and their accent is very well. Furthermore I like  the punctuality and oderliness of German people. I learned a lot of new people in Germany and they are very friendly and when I tell them from Spain they were so fascinated.


Nowadays we can not imagine our lives without computers is increasing in the world.
A computer is an electronic device that we use to make information.
It plays a role in our lives. Most of people give importants to this inventions.
For me this invention can realize a lot of tasks than most humans. I also think that computers have created a lot of addiction for example to play games, to use social nedworks.
In conclusion I think that people can live without computer but with a lot of difficulty.


In europe, recently are increasing a lot, because there are a lot of arguments, cheat on someone.
For me the divorce is a natural thing, because I consider that one person has all the right to ask for the divorce.
I also think that the divorce rate isincreasing because people get tired to be with the same person, And that is the reason.


One of the inventions was created recently, is internet, this invent was change a lot of things in their lives.
In my opinion the use of internet had change a lot of lives for example it has shown as about injustices that in the part we wouldn't have detected.
It Also helps the poor people to do things like sports in house, learn a language, understand one lesson thanks to the videos and web pages for free.
But in the other hand it has created several of conflicts like problems bitwine humans, obssesed with the use of internet, bullyng...

Toxic friend

Imagine you have a toxic friend that is ruining your life.
Oulaya is one of my best friends that i have met, we always fight, but easily se make a solution about the conflicts.
Se have a lot of problems to do something, something important when we are toghether, we spend very good time and we forget that what we have to do.
For example when se make homework or when we stay tighether.
The solution would be for me, that when we do a important task, it was better to separated and make it Alone.
In conclusion, we have a solution but the relation is in crisis.

Are love - laks romantic or a menace?

Are love - laks  romantic or  a menace? Write  a for or  against  emay about  this practice.
Now  I  am  going  to write  my opinion   about "Is love - locks   romantic  or  a menace"
Firstlly, of view  I not  agree  with  love -locks  because it you  are In love  whit  someore you  don`t want  to be  whit  him  in  a love- locks  because   that`s not  romantic.If  I an  in  love with  someore I  want  to  have  a  serious  relationship  and  then    look  for  another  things.
In  the other  side  I have  de say thett there are  people that  think  love  locks  are  romantic   because  they  believe  that`s  the   made of now  a days.

Steve Jobs

Imagine you are a journalist who had the chance to interviw Steve Jobs, asking him questions about his tecnological products.
Write down the dialogue.
Now I am gona make an interviw to Steve Jobs to ask him about his life and his technological products.
Chaymae: Hi! ms  jobs, now  I wowld  like  to ask you some questions   asoul  your  life  If  you
Steve: Yes of course,you can  ask  me  all  the things  that you want.
Chaymae: Ok , thank's
Tell me  about  now  you  arrive  in this point  of your life? Is  a good  or a bat  experience? It  must be  really  amaizing.
Steve: It was  very  difficult  to start in my  project.
Firstly I was start  working  white  my fathes  and  ther  I started my  own  bussiness. It  was  a very  good  experience for me  and  very  amaizing.
Chaymae: You accept  the  critics?
I  accept  all  the  critics of  the  people  but  some times I prefer  to don't  listen  to there.

Formal letter

IES Castelló d’Empúries
17487 Castelló d’Empúries

Restaurant “El racó de Ca la Maria”

Dir Sir or Madam,

I am writing in order to explain my experience having lunch last week. Apart from food disgusting, the hygiene was horrible. I can not say nothing good for this restaurant.

I am very dissapointed with your meat and the hygiene of the local.
First of all, when I arrived I found food sticked in chairs. Then, the glass was so dirty. When I saw that, I told there imperfections to the waiter but he did not attend me.
In the other hand, speaking about the meat I found that tasted so bad. I do not know if this was rotten or was of an animal that I never eat.

At this point, I request us that do a revision of the restaurant.

Your faithfully,

Chaymae Salama

a letter

Newspaper Magazine
Wednesday  17th of  May

Dear Sir or Madam,

 I am writing to the local news paper because  divorce rates are increasing in Europe.
The  society in Europe has changed  because young people want to live independet and not in a relationship.
 People want to be free and independet they don’t want responsibilty. 
But i think that a marriage is one of the most important aim in life because it is traditional  to marry a man or woman and to create a family. 
No matter where people live like in Africa, Asia or Europe a divorce has individually reasons, we can’t  generalize it .
But another reason why people divorce is that women and men want to make career because the society has high standards. 
The pairs only work and forget themselves and this is very hard for the pairs.
Nevertheless i  have the experience that a marriage  united people and that a marriage could has problems  and this  is normal because no marriage is perfect and if some pairs say that they never had problems it is lie. 
I am for a marriage because i don’t see a difference between a relationship that hold 2 years and a marriage. 
A marriage could hold better than a realtionship because you know your pair more and furthermore you  know his or her strengths and weaknesses.

Yours faithfully

Chaymae Salama