dijous, 18 de maig del 2017

human rights

Human rights violation “The inhalation of chemicalweapons

The 18th May of 2017

Actually the chemical weapon in Syria is very strong discussed because the chemical attacs are against human rightsand atr a war crimeFurthermore a lot of people die and a lotof children inhalate the giftIt is the inhalation of death in Aleppo. I think that this is very unfair and that the people in Syria live in a dystopian world where the life is very hard andextremlyFurthermore the civilization  fights against  regimewithout weapons and the chemical attacs are unfair. It doesn’tdestroy only the people it destroys our nature and our air thatwe breathe in. No matter if people are in war or in freedom itis not allowed to do something that are agaist the human rights. Human rights  guarantee us the dignity. I think that we have to share the situation of the people in Syria in social networks like Facebook to show  people around the world how bad the the civil war in Syria is and that we have to do something and not to ignore it.  We can create for example some pages in Facebook where we share the current situation. Another option is that we  try to connect some Syrian friends in our social media network and ask them individually how the situation is.Moreover the Unied Nation has a lot of aid organizations which are based directly in the parts where the civil war is. As a conclusion I can say that all over the world there are human rights violations like in Turkey or in Africa.We as people from the industralized country has to help other countries, because human rights violations have negative follow to the whole world.

Chaymae Salama

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